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Samhain (The Origin of Halloween )Special Treat

Samhain Special Samhain

In Ireland we celebrate Samhain which is the origin of Halloween. Samhain dates back over 2000 years and is the Celtic festival which celebrates the end of summer.

It is celebrated by the lighting of fires to drive away the evil spirits and old ghosts which they believed would return to the world on the night of the 31sr of October. The most important sites for fires on the night of Samhain festival are the two hills in the Boyne Valley Tlachtga and Tara. Tlachtga was the location of the Great Fire Festival which begun on the eve of Samhain (Halloween). Tara was also associated with Samhain, however it was secondary to Tlachtga in this respect.

The entrance passage to the Mound of the Hostages on the Hill of Tara is aligned with the rising sun around Samhain. The Mound of the Hostages is 4,500 to 5000 years old, suggesting that Samhain was celebrated long before the first Celts arrived in Ireland about 2,500 years ago.

Inaddition to the lighting of fires people dressed as evil spirits using masks and costumes to disguise  themselves and keep safe form the harmful spirits. As it is the end of summer and the harvest season food is very present in Samhain and is part of the celebrations and shared.

Traditionally children with scary masks and costumes will also visit your house asking for money or sweets, with the demands of Trick or Treat! of course if you dont treat them you will suffer the threat of a horrible mischeif!

Nowadays to celebrate Samhain we also have the Puca Festival which takes place int he towns of Trim and Athboy which are in Co Meath and located clos to both Ancient sites.  There also numerous food festivals taking place in other parts. 

Samhain and Vantopia™ Our Treat for you

So to celebrate Samhain we at Vantopia™ have created a special treat for you with every order this week you will recieve a treat in your order and ontop of that we have created a Samhain coupon for you just enter Samhain24 in the coupon box and you will receive a discount on every order this week. 

Oíche Shamhna shona daoibh go léir!

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